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​撇捺人生 (善善提供) (10/01/16)

朋友在 Line 上傳來一副對聯 :


'若' 字之成了 '苦' 字, 因少了那一 '撇' ,撇不開故。'各' 字這一 '捺',如能按得住,便成了 '名' 字。能撇開能按捺,'苦' 去 '名' 成,人生美滿,可喜可樂。


一般的煩惱,總來自人不懂得 '撇'開------捨不了,放不下,弄至愛不釋手,念念不忘 ; 或掛礙滿懷,怨憤填膺,負面情緒積聚太多故。能撇開,懂得放下也。放下了,煩惱去,人自在。
Ven. Dr. K. Dhammananda 所編的 'How to Live without Fear and Worry' 一書中指出無憂無懼無掛礙自由自在的生活無疑來自能 '撇' 得開的智慧。蓋諸行無常,今日滄海,他朝桑田,滄海又桑田,桑田又滄海,'二分' 轉換,莫皆如是。如是多端,既憂且懼,煩惱即起。不放下徒自找苦吃而已。

至於按 '捺' 的智慧 , 記得 Ven. Dr. Piyadassi 在 The Spectrum of Buddhism 一書中說,

'Supposing you are gazing a gorgeous sunset, if you start commenting, judging, and observing it subjectively, then you are not seeing the sunset, you do not see its beauty. But if you view it objectively with complete attention, then you will see the beauty of the sunset in all its fullness, and also that the so-called beauty is ephemeral, impermanent, and ever changing. This applies to many other things. If you can look at a rose or a lotus objectively without any subjective reaction, then you will see. If you are lover of music and if you listen to music with undivided attention, you may enjoy the music more than the musician does.'


拖着疲乏的身軀,一臉茫然,不知所踪,這是現代人的寫照。原因皆不懂得 '撇' 與 '捺',不知 '去' 與 '留' 之道故。一旦知道個中智慧,人自然易於 '撇' 開又 '捺' 住。遇事無憂無懼,放鬆放下 ; 又自我剋制情緒,不與人爭了。萬物靜觀,悠然自得,無可無不可,該多麼自在!