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薇薇的內心世界(二) : 告白- 明天會更好! (05/14/15)


You are welcome to share my son's blog, if it is not causing others upsad.

The blog is 90% true, 5% imagination, 5% distort. The teacher best friend, had a sister die young, no one told the family about NF type 2, she founded the NF society support group in Ontario, first group in Canada 30 years ago.

In US the Children tumour Foundation organization really is NF. Not until recent years, my youngest sister-in-law working at Kaiser Hospital, as NF clinic coordinator administrative, it's an Aha moment for her. None of my family have any idea how we managed dealing with NF.

家 家有本難念的經,I'm sure, there is many others, facing other difficulties in life, sadly, today culture is what we have, where we travel, what we own, what we eat etc...

我因在週日上午與曉之短短四個小時的母子團聚裡, 卻見他一連摔倒了兩次, 心中非常擔憂。這不是我願意看到的事實。五年前的一個夏天, 他曾經住院了21天。老實說, 我當時整個人已面臨崩潰。但我必須在他面前裝作沒事而振作起來。 我以學習跑步來渡過那段煎熬的日子。

然而自此以後, 他可以享用加拿大公車上各項為殘障人士而設的服務。他上下班則由的士接送, 這或多或少的減輕了我的擔憂。如果我們移居到美國加州, 在生活上和殘障者福利方面, 恐怕會遇到更多的困難與阻礙。

這么說吧!兒子的病, 的確讓我內疚而不想與人交際。因離群太久, 也慢慢的與人合不起來。匆匆的25年過去, 我迄今才開始學習做人。

還記得1974 年時, 耀漢曾為我們主持的師生書法和國畫展,當時何老師為我取名"美怡"。

希望不久的未來, 我再次可以分享我的大寫書法和墨畫。再把那個曾經被叫做「美怡」的給喚醒起來, 一切重頭再來。明天會更好!

謝謝 ! 薇薇