Now let me boast about my son.
My son, John, is very smart, bright, kind, gentle, and positive attitude. He has NF1, 表皮或皮下有如豆子大的腫瘤(neurofibromas)。 皮膚上有較大看起來浮腫般的腫塊(plexiform neurofibromas)。 Complication John has is he has a lot of tumours grow on the spinal core inside 脊椎。
During the period of 1989-1996, I tried to raise him as a normal healthy child, struggling with never ending medical appointments...and keeping myself positive.
1996-1997, a live and death period, either we both gave up or fought, I fought and wouldn't allow him to give up.
With his love and respect for me and his physical condition, he did not dare to rebel but to do his very best to please me.
1997-2001, Seeing him thought University.
John has grown up as a fine man, many people loves and cares about him, and often wonder about the amazing mother whom raised and influenced him.
John contributes to the society in his own humble way, he often represents his company out there promoting Diversify employment opportunity, conducting work shop at the national level for Youth with disability education and employment choices; being interviewed by National paper as well as local city paper, message to Canadian Corporation to hire disability people whom completed higher education, giving them an opportunity as he has been. John works if not 110% most of the time, definitely not less than 100%. His first paid research report on "Disability employment issues" made it to the North America Conference in 2002 or 2003 at Oakland, he presented it but not many audience I heard.
John is very busy at work, now he is located at the Toronto Landmark tallest office building, First Canadian Place, the building behind one of his photo taken at CN tower in 2012.
He is the current sitting president of the NFON, a younger group of board members, to revive the society, which is almost die. I'm occassionally playing a cheering role. John is kind & generous, he bid for the US marketing service at one of the United Way fund raising campaign and donated the service to NFON, I'm very proud of him.
Life is not that bad, only when John hospitalized. We live a simple life in an affluent neighbourhood. Very Centered of Toronto in a small Condo right on the subway line. What else can we ask for?